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Is she a2/a2?

An observation of popular demand. A2/A2 milk. We first heard of the A2/A2 milk protein at a Acres USA conference probably 12-13 years...


I really enjoy the current phase of homesteaders! When I grew up, I suppose we had a homestead, to us it was just normal. Mom birthed...

A story for my children

Once upon a time, far, far away in the deep forests of the Boston Mountains there lives a boy and his sister. These two children, lived...


We are VERY excited to put on our first class featuring charcuterie skills! Simply put, Charcuterie means cured meat. But it can mean so...

Eleanor the Tenth

Have you ever heard of Eleanor the Tenth? Or maybe Eleanor X? Perhaps there never was one in classical history. But there is one in the...

The Mother

“You’re so calm...” I’ve received this comment a lot over the years. Since Adam (11) was a baby actually. Kind people tell me I’m so calm...


Food Food has always been a big thing for Alan and I. We (I) were pretty lame cooks when we got married. Being a more introverted type of...

The Comfort Zone

Stretching the comfort zone. We regularly teach home cheese making classes, and semi regular butcher classes. Some students want to be...

My Dream Life

Third Blog Post “My Dream Life”. Several times people have said to me, “you’re living my dream life”, and I’m sure as someone else, I...


Vacation!!! WooHoo! That may be kid’s excitement screaming, but mine isn’t far behind! Farmers and moms-of-little-kids don’t get regular...

The first blog post

Blog? About what? Where should I start? I’ve always been an outside, hands on person. Yes I write the Craigslist ads for cows and...

Blog: Blog2
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