All our cheese is made with raw milk produced on our farm and aged in our aging room to maturity.
We are very particular with the flavor and texture of our cheese, and only the very best is available to our private clients. Please call for availability and variety.
Neptune’s Marketplace and Dairy Services
Here’s What We Provide

Cheesemaking Class
We offer Cheesemaking classes throughout the year. Classes are 10am-2pm. Our favorite cheese to make is Gouda. Please get in touch if you’d like to attend one of our cheesemaking classes.Adults are $150. Private classes are also available.
Frequently Asked Questions
Get Informed
Is all your cheese made with raw milk?
Yes it is. I find the depth of flavor is much richer and develops better when using raw milk.
Do you offer samples of your cheese?
Absolutely! Just ask when your here and we’ll open a couple wheels and you can see what you think!
Do you teach Cheesemaking?
Yes we do! Early in 2020 we held our first official Cheesemaking class and it’s been a regular favorite ever since! It’s a hands on class that goes through the complete (except aging because that’s slow) process of making raw milk cheese in your own kitchen. Lunch is provided charcuterie style featuring more cheeses than you’ll remember the names of! Cheesemaking classes are $150/adult.