Intro to our cows…
I like to be orderly, so we’ll begin with Ayrshire.
Ayrshire are historically native to Scotland and much of Europe. Hardy, vigorous cattle with excellent reputation for foraging and milk quality. At one point in America, Ayrshire milk was compared to goat milk for digestibility. Traditionally they’re cattle with a lot of longevity. I think the wild red and white patterns are beautiful. I enjoy their independent personalities and their excellent feet and legs—a big deal in rocky Ozark terrain.
Daffodil was one of our very first registered Ayrshires, she turned seven in December. She’s a reliable well conditioned cow, not impatient or fidgety. She is pictured with her new calf last fall, still youthful in appearance and udder suspension, she hasn’t changed much since she was a 2yr old heifer. Daffodil is A2/A2 and polled, both are a little unusual for the Ayrshire breed. Diane (her yearling heifer) appears to be developing much like her dam with excellent depth of rib and perhaps a little more dairy character. Diane is short, enough that she gets docked heavily at every show! We look forward to breeding and freshening Diane in this upcoming year!

Polly is a heifer with tremendous rib capacity. Many times Roland decided to sell her. Polly is A1/A1 and was quite slow to cycle and breed. She’s a heifer with a very sweet calm personality, and one I liked more and more as she developed. As Polly’s pregnancy progresses (I finally got her bred!) we’re glad everyday that we decided to keep her. Her udder is developing very nicely and she’s one of two summer calving cows we have.
