There’s never enough grass, never enough spring, never enough water. For so many years this has been normal and I’ve dulled the feeling of hopeless unsustainable grazing for our cows. Every couple of moths we’d slim down the herd and sell cows I wanted to keep just because there’s not enough pasture. I used to wonder what it would be like to have an excess of grass?
This year is different. Both sides of the driveway are lined with tall, ungrazed grass. The fields are full and green. The cows are fat and satisfied. We’ve been given the opportunity to graze the whole of my parent’s farm.
It. Is. Amazing!
Ever since I became an adult I’ve wanted a dairy. Now I’m here.
No, it doesn’t look exactly like my plans 25 years ago, but I’m pretty happy with it!
The milk barn is getting completed at sloth speed, but thankfully getting an ATV and more electric fencing were only a cash output and not a ton of time. Managing the whole farm is a big job. Fence on a couple sides needs replaced, not including the goat fence we need to build. Brush hogging needs done sooner than later. I’m so busy it’s likely the garden will be minimal this year. But there is grass, plenty of grass!