“You’re so calm...”
I’ve received this comment a lot over the years. Since Adam (11) was a baby actually. Kind people tell me I’m so calm and laid back. I’m never sure what they expect me to look like, a Cruella DeVil driving her sedan wildly in the snow?? A spaced out drug dependent? A made-of-iron Drill Sargent?? I’m just a mom, it’s my job to make sure the children are fed and moderately clothed. To try to keep them from killing their siblings or breaking bones or burning down the house. To limit their wall climbing and door slamming so I don’t have to rebuild the house before they’re out of diapers. To teach them kindness and generosity and responsibility so they grow into pleasant adults...eventually. It’s my job to smile brightly at any newly scribbled picture simply because it will inspire them to continue making pictures that will improve in time. But I also receive the generous offerings of stemless wildflowers, the excitement of a new bug sighting, or news of a loose tooth. And of course I hear the repetitive “what are we going to eat” from every single member of the family at least three times in a day—more if they give no attention to the answer!! These things teach me management skills and patience dealing with different personalities, I learn public relations, job efficiency, taxi service, etc. And while there may be no end to a mother’s love, there is an end to her patience. Then the children learn valuable relationship skills and how to be respectful and the priceless gift of bedtime.