Recipe below ⬇️ ⬇️⬇️
I began making Gouda 17 years ago, hard cheese has always been fairly successful for me. But Mozzarella and I had a hate/hate relationship. My success with mozzarella was too low to even put a percentage on. I’d get ricotta, or hard rubber balls, nothing enjoyably edible! As we taught students the ins and outs of hard cheese making, I’d avoid the subject of mozzarella like an ex-mother-in-law.

But, last summer some friends from out of state shared a very simple recipe and I tried again.
We’ve now made this vinegar and milk mozzarella for months and I absolutely love it! It always behaves perfectly when we use whole cows milk.

I think I could skim some cream and still have it be good quality—but don’t ever use 100% skim milk. It turns into stretchy latex balloon material that’s not intended to be eaten! Sheep and goat milk need a different recipe (in my experience).

Heat 1 gallon whole milk to 120 degrees (without scorching).
Add 1 cup White Vinegar and stir gently.
Remove the curds from the whey.
Heat a pan of water to 165 degrees to melt/stretch the mozzarella.
Use heavy rubber gloves to protect your hands. Stretch and fold the mozzarella until smooth and shiny. Place into a bowl of cold water to cool and retain shape. I brine my cheese balls to add salt, but it can also be sprinkled on over a day or two. You can make any kind of string cheese shape or braided ball or place into a simple cheese mold.
I vacuum seal ours once it’s salted and dry. Then we shred and use as needed.

*I’ve used Apple Cider vinegar successfully, I think it does affect the flavor slightly.
**using very high fat milk will weaken the texture, making it almost to soft to stretch. It will still be smooth, but almost have a feeling of velvet.
***you can also use a double boiler pan method to stretch the cheese instead of dipping it into hot water. I prefer this because I can do several pounds at once instead of 8oz balls. My daughter prefers the balls.
