A2/A2 Bred Brindle Heifer
A2/A2 bred brindle heifer. Negative disease test for Jhones, BVD, and BLV. She’s a sturdy little cow with a perfect udder forming. Brindle is being halterbroke and making improvements daily! Respects single strand electric fence. Does fine with other cows. In my opinion, brindles are one of the hardiest cows no matter what their genetics are. This girl is part Jersey, and part Dexter or Lowline Angus. She measures right close to 41”.
Best I can tell she is polled. I DO NOT KNOW WHAT BREED BULL SHE IS BRED TO. She is vet checked to be at least 6 months bred, that matches her udder development as well.
She is priced at $3500. If I calve her in her price will change or I’ll keep the calf. $3500 is the low end for a A2/A2 cow with a negative disease test.